
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Goes Around Comes Around

While Zoey was really sick late last week, Ian was his super chipper self running wildly all over the house. I could tell that he recognized that Zoey was not feeling well and slow moving and boy he really picked on her. He knew he could get away from her wrath. She cried a lot.

I warned that boy, I said he better quit picking on her because what goes around comes around.

And then a couple days ago, he got hit hard. That cold Zoey had hit him full force with the coughing and the fever, and for payment of all his ornament nabbing: an ear infection. Poor kid has been knocked on his butt sleeping almost all day and hardly eating or drinking a thing. I thought surely that was enough karma at work, but Zoey didn't think so. While we were giving Ian a dose of medicine before bed, she took the liberty of pouring the rest of it into the garbage can. More likely it was out of jealousy than spite that she did that. She can't stand when Ian gets something she doesn't also get.

I'm not sure whether to feel relieved or bad that Brandon has been home on vacation all week taking care of the kids so I can work during the day. I'm going to go with relieved. That's a lot of crying from two sick babies.


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