
Monday, October 31, 2011

For My Gouls and Goblins

I didn't think I would like being a Nursery leader as much as I do but I really look forward to church every Sunday to spend time with my little bunch of kiddos. With it being the Sunday before Halloween I wanted to give my kids a little treat. I thought I had plenty of clear cellophane treat bags, but it turns out I only had 4, and on average we have about 8-9 kids. It was about 10:30 and we have church at 12:30. I thought about just using sandwich bags, but that seemed cheap. I remembered some Halloween theme fabric I had in my stash and I ran upstairs and whipped out 12 treat bags, filled them with goodies and tied with a pretty bow. Took about 30 minutes in all. I love that serger, it made quick work of these baggies.

The kids were off the wall CRAZY this Sunday, usually they're a pretty mellow bunch. I'm sure it was a result of the Trunk or Treat we had the night before. I didn't feel bad at all sending them home with a little more sugar. Hehe.


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