
Monday, October 10, 2011

Powdered Milk

Sunday morning I opened the fridge to fill the kids sippy cups with milk only to find there was just enough for two sippy cups worth. I decided I'd give each of the kids half a cup so they could have another half a cup at night, as usual. We've made many a late night trips to CVS to get milk for the next day. We go through two gallons a week, sometimes more. That's just the kids and Brandon, I only drink the occasional glass and sometimes with a bowl of cereal. Evening comes around and the kids are asking for milk only I discover that Brandon drank the last of the rations with his dinner. Great, now what? I was about to interest the kids in some Tang instead when I suddenly remembered the massive storage of powdered milk we have.

Now I grew up on this stuff. Powdered milk was all I knew until I was about 9 or 10 that I actually remember drinking store bought milk in a gallon jug. It was amaaaaazing! Whole milk totally blew me away, I had no idea milk was soooo good. We got 1% at school, no comparison. Powdered milk is not particularly tasty since it's skim milk, which isn't great even in original liquid form. It has a very processed semi sweet off taste. It never gets truly cold, even if you put it in the coldest part of the fridge. It's not too pleasant to drink plain, but it is fine in cereal or cooking when its off taste is somehow masked. 

I was pretty sure the kids would reject the milk in plain form, but we keep a giant tub of powdered Nesquick. The perfect mask. I shook up two sippy cups of powdered chocolate milk (with ice cubes for the best attempt at cold milk), and those kids drank it down like it wasn't any different from the real thing. 

I feel better all that powdered milk in my food storage might actually get some use.


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