
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I Should Blog About That

It's been days since I wrote a blog about something, it's not for lack of topics, but rather a lack of remembering my topics. Ever since I started this blog I go through the day and when I see or hear something or that something reminds me of something else I think, "I should blog about that." Then when I actually find the time to sit down and write a blog I can't for the life of me remember one of the things I tried to make a mental note to write about.  I'm just going to have to attribute that to Mom brain, which always remembers that the toddler needs to go take a potty break because it's been precisely 1.5 hours since said toddler last took one though never a glance was taken at the clock. Mom brain also remembers exactly how much of everything is left in the pantry and fridge. Mom brain can even remember a week's worth of events and appointments without writing anything down. Mom brain also knows where every "lost" shoe, wallet, keys, band-aids, etc are. However, mom brain cannot remember the list of amusing blog posts she wanted to make. Sorry folks, but here's a cute picture.


Anonymous said...

I've started putting notes in my phone as I went along to remember what I wanted to blog about. Might be an idea.


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