
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bedknobs and Brandons

A couple days ago Brandon wakes me for morning prayer as usual...

B: Do you remember me trying to take the bed knob off the bed last night?
M: uhh no, I was sleeping pretty deeply. What do you mean?
B: I had this dream that I needed to take the bed knob off of the bed and I half woke up stretched across the bed unscrewing the bed knob. It was almost off so I just finished taking it off and put it on my night stand and went back to sleep. I had trouble turning off my alarm because the bed knob was in the way and I thought, oh I  guess that wasn't a dream.
M: BAAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! Why did you need to take off the bed knob?!
B: I don't know!

Brandon has been known to sit up in bed and spout gibberish or even get out of the bed and stand at the side of it before getting back in, but nothing I know of this cognitive. The bed knob he took off in his sleep was the one at my foot, he certainly had easier and closer choices, but it makes it even funnier to imagine him stretched caddy corner struggling to unscrew the bed knob in his sleep. I wonder if any of his dream revolved around that old movie "Bed Knobs and Broom Sticks" maybe he was trying to get us to fly somewhere. hehehehehehe.

Check out minute 6:14 to get to the real bedknob action.


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