
Monday, May 7, 2012

Wheat Bread

Our ward was doing a wheat order of some high gluten white wheat, good for bread, and I finally decided to take the plunge and buy some for food storage. I've been reluctant for a while to buy whole wheat just because I wasn't sure how to use it. After all I have had an unopened bag of wheat flour in my pantry for a couple months now. Intentions were good but I just never got around to using it. After I put in my order for four 6 gallon buckets of wheat I started baking to see if I could even use this stuff.

I modified my White Bread Recipe and used half whole wheat flour. I also added one tsp of vital wheat gluten and substituted honey instead of sugar. I am really happy with how it turned out! Very light, springy, and delicious. The kids ate 2-3 rolls each for dinner and Brandon and I polished off the pan. Next day we ate 85% of the loaf between all of us before we were just "breaded out" We don't eat a lot of bread to begin with.

I also made chocolate chip cookies the next day and substituted half the all purpose flour with whole wheat and they turned out fabulous too. I guess using whole wheat flour isn't that big of a deal after all! I've been wanting to try a whole wheat pie crust. I know the bran can be prone to burning, but pumpkin pie in a whole wheat crust is sounding pretty good! I guess now that I have the wheat coming, I should invest in some kind of mill/grinder. There are so many out there, it's hard to choose.


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