
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Do I Ever Stop Talking About my Garden?

Nope! We've had lots of produce from the garden. Several bags of green beans are in the freezer and we've eaten loads of zucchini. It's so delicious just sauteed until soft in some butter. yum! The okra is really picking up and I'm looking forward to making some pickled okra. Surprisingly the strawberries are actually producing a small handful each day, which Zoey loves to eat. I have high hopes for them next year. We harvested the corn and had about 30 "full" cobs and another 20 or so half or smaller cobs. I guess I must be planting too close, I can never get full pollination of the cobs. This was probably the best turn out of cobs over all years past so I can't be too disappointed.

Tomatoes are finally starting to ripen, now that the cucumbers are slowing down :-/ One of these years I'll get them to work together. We've been eating pounds of cucumbers for weeks. For a while the stink bugs were happy to hang out in the corn plants after I harvested, but once they started to dry up they've been migrating and I have to make rounds a couple times a day and scare them out of my tomatoes. Wretched little critters. Brandon bought a giant pumpkin seed growing kit for Zoey so we're going to forego a second round of corn and plant giant pumpkins there this year. The second season of corn has always been a little disappointing anyway. With any luck our baby watermelons and cantaloupes will thrive and be delicious. Last year was a flop for cantaloupes.

Top: partially pollinated corn
Bottom: stink bug damage

The sunflowers, though they have all been treated the same seem to be successively weaker from back to front. The tallest is about 9', far cry from the 12 or 16 I was hoping for. Maybe next year.

Baby watermelons

Eggplant, always a success

Ripening tomatoes, already marred by those stupid insects!

And for your enjoyment, the blurry caterpillar dance. Sorry I hate video editing, so you can skip to about halfway when he actually starts dancing. This little guy was pretty annoyed that he got sprayed with water while I was watering the plants. He danced for quite a while. Anyone know what kind of moth or butterfly he'll grow into?


Christina McKinney said...

Wish I had your green thumb, that all looks SOOOO YUMMY!! :)

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