Birthday Boy enjoys an apple for dinner chillaxing on Lowla's house.
The Baskin Robbins ice cream cake I so conveniently mushed while getting in the car. doh!
He's pretty excited about the candles.
After Zoey blew them out once, Ian got his turn and was a professional!
Mmmm cookies.
The moment he realizes the gift from Grandma is Chuggington.
No other gifts exist after Chuggington.
I just love this little guy, he's so energetic, sweet, inquisitive, adventurous, imaginative and just plain adorable. Our family wouldn't be the same without him. Even though his will is strong and his tantrums stronger, those cuddles at the end of the day just make up for all his mischief.
and many more!
I laughed out loud at Zoey blowing his candles out first :) Happy Birthday Ian!!!
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