We decided to walk because parking would be almost as far away.
Ian loves the Easter Bunny, even though Zoey was the one that asked to see him, she refused to go near him.
Waiting for the egg hunt to begin. She's really anxious.
Ian is downright impossible to contain. Every time we tell him its not time to start yet, he throws his basket and lays on the ground. He's a master at the silent tantrum.
Finally he can begin, he filled his basket pretty quick.
Zoey is so excited, she wants to show off every egg but we tell her to go go go and keep finding eggs for her basket.
After the egg hunt Zoey sits down to make a craft while Ian devours all the candy that was found, which really wasn't that much, most of the eggs had little toy trinkets in them.
She's very proud of her bunny hat.
Waited forever for the trackless train. Can you feel Brandon's enthusiasm? He was pretty grumpy about being there in the first place.
Got a balloon flower and a sword, which Ian popped about 30 seconds after I took this picture.
The walk home was pretty brutal in the burning sun. Good times. I think we'll go to more community events. They do a pretty good job putting it all together. There were lots of other games and things to do that we didn't. The petting zoo was crazy crowded, but the kids did enjoy seeing the animals.
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