Our neighbors and good friends invited us to go camping with them the Friday before memorial day weekend. I like camping, I always have, but it sure can be miserable when it's so hot outside. I don't remember that ever bothering me as a kid...or maybe my parents were just smart enough to never go camping when it was so hot. We decided to drive up to Lake Livingston state park and camp there. The place was totally booked, but we only planned one night anyway since we all had to be back for church on Sunday, Brandon and I were due to give talks in sacrament meeting.
Ian was well targeted by the bugs, notice the large lump on his forehead and the Dopey ear. |
The kids really seemed to have a good time playing in the woods, finding bugs and sticks and making giant piles of leaves, bark, and sticks to throw into the fire (which we never let them, haha). The adults tried to have some fun but with half of us not feeling too great and kids constantly needing attention, it was difficult to fit in a card game, but we had good company all the same.
On Saturday after breaking down camp we had a picnic lunch at the lake, it was really pretty and nice and breezy. Too bad the kids started melting down before we could rent canoes and spend a little time there. Ian was asleep before we even got back on the highway. Oh well, at only an hour away, we can make plenty more camping trips in the future,
Ian is just oozing with enthusiasm. He had just been woken from a nap.
We went camping at the Rusk KOA. It was awesome. Worth the drive. There were no bug (wierd, I know) and a breeze the entire time. Nothing better than getting in the pool in the heat of the day, too.
Yes we normally went camping in the Fall
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