
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dinner Conversation

Brandon has gone out of town for a couple of days for a work conference and the kids and I get some time to talk to each other around the dinner table. Zoey is really starting to become quite observant, it's funny some of the things she says.

Zoey: Can I have a cupcake now?
Me: No, you barely ate anything. You need to eat more dinner.
Zoey: awwww! Did you eat all your dinner?
Me: Yes, see there is nothing left on my plate. I can have a cupcake.
Zoey: No, cupcakes are for big girls.
Me: I'm not a big girl?
Zoey: No, you are too old to be a big girl and cupcakes are only for girls.
Me: Awesome.  I'm old.

And in another strain of conversation.

Zoey: Where's Daddy at?
Me: He went to Louisana for work for a few days.
Zoey: Daddy's name is Brandon
Me: Yes it is.
Zoey: and my name is Zoey Masten and Ian's name is Ian Masten and Lowla's name is Lowla Masten.
Me: What's my name?
Zoey: *pause* Your name is Mommy Masten.
Me: *laugh* I guess so. My name is Melanie.
Zoey: oooOOOoohhh.


Nookleerman said...

So judging by the first line of this post, when Brandon's there you can't get a word in edgewise? Must be rough.

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