
Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Purple Princess

One upon a time there was a little girl named Zoey. All her life she had been pretty indifferent to the colors of the rainbow. In fact she really couldn't even distinguish and name them. Her mom would ask her every now and then what her favorite color was and either the answer was always different or just the last color name she could remember. Then one day, the little girl Zoey asked to use the purple sippy cup for her milk. Then she asked to use the purple bowl for her cereal. When it was time to get dressed, she dug through all of her clothes until she found the most purple of them all. At lunch time she demanded the purple plate for her food. By the day's end, only the purple blanket would do to watch TV with. And so, the little girl Zoey turned into the Purple  Princess. Every morning her majesty asks for the purple sippy cup and will complain if she doesn't also get the purple lid. Her insistence on all plates and bowls to be purple can only be satiated by said dishes or "They're dirty, Daddy didn't do the dishes last night." The Purple Princess also has to say the word "Purple" 6,750,502,312 times a day. One must also agree that everything is purple or could be purple or would be better if it were purple or incur the wrath of the princess.

There she is, the Purple Princess in all her glory. Come to think of it, I may have created this monster since I convinced her to choose some very purple bed sheets for her new big girl bed. Maybe she's been absorbing the purple obsession via osmosis at night.


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