Ever since the kids came along, our firstborn has been a bit neglected. But really, she's a dog and once she finished growing she stopped doing funny puppy things and she just does annoying dog things. We love her anyway and so Lowla, this post is for you!
Our favorite things about Lowla
- She's the most patient and tolerant dog ever known. She lets our kids or anyone's kids stab her in the eye or pull on her ear or try to ride her and she just sits there and takes it. Maybe it's stupidity but I'm glad she's so mellow.
- She's just the right size. She's not too big that she takes up significant room in the bed or is cumbersome to hold in your lap, but she's not too small or low to the ground that we trip over her all the time, though she does have her moments.
- She's mostly obedient. She does love to get out and run off but she almost always comes back when she's called. She will stop barking at squirrels usually if I tell her to, but sometimes that urge to bark is too much for her. Overall, she's an easy dog to control.
That's so Lowla
- She waits until the kids have gone to bed and Brandon and I settle in to relax and have our time in the evening and then she grabs her toys and jumps into our lap dying to play and have attention.
- She has radar knowing the moment a squirrel enters the yard. Though instead of chasing them out of the garden, she watches them destroy my plants and then chases them down only when she thinks they're close enough for her to catch. She never catches them.
- She will take any opportunity to dash out the front door, especially if it's garbage day. She always finds chicken bones and brings them into the house on garbage day. Blech!
- If you lay on the couch with a blanket, she will join you about 2.5 seconds after you get settled. If two people have blankets she will choose the person she thinks has the warmest blanket.
- Despite getting kicked in the face multiple times at night, she still insists on sleeping under the blankets between Brandon and I, every night. She usually only comes to bed with Brandon.
- If she wants to be petted she will incessantly try to shove her nose under your hand, her very cold and very wet dog nose. It's futile to resist, she always wins.
We do feel very blessed to have the perfect dog for our family.